Metrics and Impacts

Metrics are for Georgia Tech's Fiscal Year 2023 (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023) unless otherwise noted.

Office of Technology Licensing

Fiscal Year 2023 MetricsDetail
Inventions Disclosed295
U.S. Utility Patent Applications161
U.S. Patents Issued87
Technologies Licensed58
Licenses to New Companies Formed to Commercialize Georgia Tech IP (IP Startups)9
Total Active IP Startups103


Fiscal Year 2023 MetricsDetail
Faculty Technologies Assessed 
Faculty Startups Assisted 
Companies Launched 
New Capital Investments 


Fiscal Year 2023 MetricsDetail
Startups Created  
Students Engaged 
Total Valuation of All Startups  
Black or Hispanic Founders 
Startups Co-Founded by Women 

Impact Stories

Georgia Tech-Tech Ready Grant Award Winners
The Office of Technology Licensing (OTL) is pleased to announce the recipients of this round of Tech Ready Grants, designed to help Georgia Tech faculty take their innovative research from the lab to market success.
Georgia Tech-GT NEXT Award Winners
The Office of Technology Licensing (OTL) is proud to announce the winners of the second annual GT NEXT Award.
 ACES Institutions Group Photo
Georgia Tech’s Office of Commercialization, in collaboration with the City of Atlanta, is playing a pivotal role in the Atlanta Collegiate Entrepreneurship Syndicate (ACES), aimed at transforming Atlanta into a leading technology hub.